Sunday, April 24, 2011

Media Impact

One of my favorite rappers of all time is Lil'Wayne. In our time today he is known as one of the greatest rappers ever. The reason why I listen to these rappers today is simply because I just love the music, even though there's times were I prefer to just listen to R & B. Although he may be one of the greatest rappers to me, he is very double sided in our society. He is a loving father and husband, a great musician, an idol from growing up in the streets and  then to others just someone who goes against the law, has problems with drugs and alcohal, has too much tattoos, uses too much cuss words, and talks about sex and all these things in his music. To me, yes he may say innaprprioate stuff in his lyrics, but parents and and children should know what their listensning to, because it's to take it out of their lives at a young age. He really is great at what he does. Rap is an artfom, and hes very creative. He is one of the only rappers I've heard from that just makes music at the top of his head and doesn't have to write at all. Media has blew him up and many other rappers just because of their lyrics in their music, but we shall see the sales once his newest album releases this year, The Carter IV.

1 comment:

  1. Good example. I didn't know anything about Lil Wayne when my son got his T-Shirt. I don't let him wear it out when he's with me. Once kids have iPods and iTunes, it's really out of the parents' control.
